Swimming with my baby: When and how to start?

Are you a new mother wondering when you can take your baby to the pool? We have great news for you! Swimming with your baby is not only possible, it can also be very beneficial for both you and your baby. It's important to just choose the right time to start swimming, the right swim club and to take good care of your baby after swimming. More information can be found in the following article. Just read on!

When can a baby go to a public swimming pool?

Once your baby reaches 6 months of age, you can start visiting special baby swimming classes regularly. It is important that your baby has a well-developed immune system and is able to hold his or her head up. Choosing the right swimming club is the key to swimming with babies - look for a place where the water and environment are adapted to the needs of little ones and where high standards of hygiene are maintained. And of course, your baby's health and vaccination compliance are key factors to consider. If your child is older, it's never too late to start - head to the waterpark with your baby now!


For the babies who are under 6 months old, there is bathing; suitable from the age of 2 months. Bathing is a great start for your baby: Your baby swims in warm water without chemicals, which is very relaxing. It also supports their digestive system and strengthens their muscles. It's also a great opportunity for you to learn how to safely handle your baby in the water, which is key for future swimming lessons.

Benefits of swimming for babies 

We already answered the question of when to take the baby to the pool. But why is swimming with babies so beneficial? The main benefits of swimming with infants include:

  • A positive relationship with water: The baby develops a natural and positive relationship with the water environment.
  • Support of motor activity development: Swimming stimulates the development of motor skills and strengthens his muscles and coordination of movements.
  • Improvement of sleep and appetite: Physical activity in water can also improve baby's sleep and appetite.
  • Strengthening the relationship with parents: Spending time together in the water strengthens the bond between a parent and a child.
  • Social and emotional development: Children who swim regularly are better at joining a team, are attentive, cooperative and have a healthy self-esteem.
  • Boosting immunity: Regular swimming can help boost a child's immunity and overall physical resilience.
  • Easier learning of other sports: Thanks to the swimming experience, these children often learn other sports more quickly and easily than children without this experience.

Swimming with your baby is not only a great activity for your baby's development, but also has countless benefits for you as a mother. One of the main benefits is strengthening your relationship with your baby. Spending time together in the water creates a strong emotional bond that is the foundation for a long-term, loving relationship. In addition, swimming serves as a gentle form of exercise, which is ideal for your relaxation and recovery after giving birth. These moments allow you to not only physically regenerate, but also mentally refresh.

Emotional well-being is another important aspect of swimming with your baby. Playing and enjoying the water together is a great way to improve your mood and reduce stress. In addition, swimming with your baby gives you the opportunity for social interaction with other parents. This social bonding is extremely valuable, especially at a time when you may feel isolated due to caring for a newborn baby.

Another benefit is that you will learn how to safely hold your baby in the water, which can significantly increase your confidence in caring for your baby. Each successful swimming experience with your baby will give you a sense of achievement and improve your parenting skills. Lastly, swimming gives you valuable time to yourself; time when you can do something that is beneficial to both your baby and your personal well-being. This balance between caring for your child and caring for yourself is crucial to your overall happiness and health.

Are you missing a suitable swimsuit for swimming sessions with your baby? Then check out our e-shop.

Tips for your baby's first swim

  • Safety first: Make sure the water is warm (ideally around 32°C) and clean.

  • Take it slowly: Let your baby gradually get used to the water. Start with shorter sessions and progressively increase the time spent in the water.

  • Games and fun: Water offers a great opportunity for games and motor activity development of your baby. So enjoy the water together with safe and stimulating toys.

Be mindful of your health: If your baby is sick, it is better to postpone swimming. Always consult with your doctor if you have any doubts about your baby's health.

→ After swimming, make sure to shower and dry your child properly and dress him/her in warm, dry clothes.

→ Children's skin is more sensitive to chlorinated water, so it is important to use suitable baby cosmetics after swimming to moisturize and nourish the skin.

If you swim regularly with your child and are considering whether you should continue swimming in your next pregnancy, here are some practical tips for swimming during pregnancy.

If you take your baby to the water park, not only will your baby learn to feel safe in the water, but also strengthen their physical condition and improve their motor skills. But remember, it's important to respect your baby's pace and follow their needs and abilities. With love and patience, every swimming lesson will become an unforgettable experience!

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